Category: General

Black History Month

We will be celebrating Black History Month by recognizing the many contributions of the Black community to the world including the Arts, Math and Science, Literature, Politics and Education. There will be displays in the school, and students will engage in themes of social justice, music and religion which recognize, celebrate and celebrate the multitude of influences which have served to enrich our lives. ... Continue reading "Black History Month"

Cardboard Boat Race Competitions

Our Cardboard Boat Race Teams performed fantastically at the recent competitions in York Region. Both of our teams finished top 10 our of 33 teams. We are very proud of their efforts and their skill in design, technology, engineering and construction. We are still waiting for the results of the video component of the competition. Stay tuned.

Toronto Rock Lacrosse Family Spirit Night

Once again, we are organizing our Toronto Rock Lacrosse Family Fun Night. SAVE THE DATE: February 17, 2017. We have reserved excellent seats for our school community. Transportation will be provided. Tickets are $21.00. Transportation is $9.00. The final price of $30.00 is a bargain. The game of Lacrosse is our national sport, and it is exciting! Come on out. Lets keep the spirit alive ... Continue reading "Toronto Rock Lacrosse Family Spirit Night"

Registration for September 2017

Registrations for all grades continue to take place at the school. We are accepting completed registrations for the upcoming academic year. Please come to the school to speak to one of our office or administrative personnel. It is important for us to have accurate numbers for the purpose of organizing our school and having the necessary resources available for September.

We invite and ... Continue reading "Registration for September 2017"